Presentation by Susan Hou, P.E., San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
with Jim McClain from Black & Veatch

Plan to join the Southbay Engineers Club Friday, June 3, 2016 for an overview of the Calaveras Dam Replacement Project by the SFPUC Senior Project Manager and an update on construction achievements and challenges on this massive project. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) launched a $4.8 billion Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) in 2002 to repair, replace, and seismically upgrade key components of the Hetch Hetcy Regional Water System. The WSIP is more than 90% complete, with $810 million Calaveras Dam Replacement Project (CDRP) as the largest and most complex project within the program. Construction began in 2011 and is scheduled for completion in 2019.
Our Presenter
Susan Hou, P.E. is the SFPUC Senior Project Manager for Calaveras Dam Replacement Project. Ms. Hou has over 20 years of experiences in planning, design, environmental permitting, and construction of dams, reservoirs, treatment facilities, fish passage facilities, tunnels, pipelines, and pump stations. She earned her B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from U.C. Berkeley, M.S. Degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering from the Cornell University, and Construction Management Certificate from the U.C. Berkeley Extension, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in California.
Our Presenter
Susan Hou, P.E. is the SFPUC Senior Project Manager for Calaveras Dam Replacement Project. Ms. Hou has over 20 years of experiences in planning, design, environmental permitting, and construction of dams, reservoirs, treatment facilities, fish passage facilities, tunnels, pipelines, and pump stations. She earned her B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from U.C. Berkeley, M.S. Degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering from the Cornell University, and Construction Management Certificate from the U.C. Berkeley Extension, and is a licensed Professional Engineer in California.