Southbay Engineers Club Monthly Luncheon
Friday February 3, 2017
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Public Agency Roundtable:
By: Steven Delight, Dublin San Ramon Services District
Adam Nelkie, City of Pleasanton
Friday February 3, 2017
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Public Agency Roundtable:
By: Steven Delight, Dublin San Ramon Services District
Adam Nelkie, City of Pleasanton
Engineering representatives covering portions of the Tri-Valley area, will provide updates on current and on-going planning and construction activities within their respective areas, and in the Tri-Valley area in general. This is great opportunity to learn more about regional construction activities that have impacts to the engineering community and to the general public. The panel in general, is responsible to ensure that public works infrastructure, transportation systems, storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, public buildings, landscaped areas, and golf courses in their jurisdictions meet community expectations and engineering design requirements. This public agency roundtable will seek to highlight a few of the major upcoming projects in this regard.
Lunch is $25 (members); $35 (non-members) – Check or Cash Only Questions?
Contact Southbay Engineers Club President Don Greb at [email protected], (925) 862-2260
Contact Southbay Engineers Club President Don Greb at [email protected], (925) 862-2260