12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Spin-A-Yarn Steakhouse
45915 Warm Springs Boulevard, Fremont, California (Directions)
By: Craig Smith, Manager of Water and Wastewater for AECOM‘s San Francisco Metro Region
The New Irvington Tunnel is a 3-1/2 mile long water conveyance tunnel that was recently commissioned by San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). The new tunnel was built adjacent to an existing tunnel between the Sunol Valley and Fremont, California. The existing tunnel, completed in 1930, is a critical link in SFPUC’s Hetch Hetchy water supply system. Current demands are such that the existing tunnel cannot be shut down for maintenance or repair without severely impacting water supply for 3.5 million customers in the Bay Area. The New tunnel is a key project in the SFPUC’s Water Supply Improvement Program, which was initiated to improve the seismic and delivery reliability of the system. Craig Smith of AECOM is the project Engineering Manager. He will present an interesting presentation of the projects’ design and construction.
Mr. Smith is the Manager of Water and Wastewater for AECOM‘s San Francisco Metro Region. He is a licensed civil engineer specializing in water and wastewater facilities with over 28 years of engineering experience in civil engineering design,
project administration, and construction management. Design projects include treatment plants, pipelines, pump stations, and reservoirs. Engineering studies include infrastructure evaluations, cost estimates, and master plans. Construction projects
include treatment plants, pump stations, pipelines, reservoirs, dredging, and tunneling. Mr. Smith spent two years in municipal service as a Public Works Superintendent.
Spin-A-Yarn Steakhouse
45915 Warm Springs Boulevard, Fremont, California (Directions)
By: Craig Smith, Manager of Water and Wastewater for AECOM‘s San Francisco Metro Region
The New Irvington Tunnel is a 3-1/2 mile long water conveyance tunnel that was recently commissioned by San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). The new tunnel was built adjacent to an existing tunnel between the Sunol Valley and Fremont, California. The existing tunnel, completed in 1930, is a critical link in SFPUC’s Hetch Hetchy water supply system. Current demands are such that the existing tunnel cannot be shut down for maintenance or repair without severely impacting water supply for 3.5 million customers in the Bay Area. The New tunnel is a key project in the SFPUC’s Water Supply Improvement Program, which was initiated to improve the seismic and delivery reliability of the system. Craig Smith of AECOM is the project Engineering Manager. He will present an interesting presentation of the projects’ design and construction.
Mr. Smith is the Manager of Water and Wastewater for AECOM‘s San Francisco Metro Region. He is a licensed civil engineer specializing in water and wastewater facilities with over 28 years of engineering experience in civil engineering design,
project administration, and construction management. Design projects include treatment plants, pipelines, pump stations, and reservoirs. Engineering studies include infrastructure evaluations, cost estimates, and master plans. Construction projects
include treatment plants, pump stations, pipelines, reservoirs, dredging, and tunneling. Mr. Smith spent two years in municipal service as a Public Works Superintendent.